Is battlefield 2042 crossplay? Let’s Check Out!

Battlefield 2042 is EA Dice’s biggest project yet. With the power of modern-day consoles Battlefield 2042 throws players into 128-player battles on some of the most significant games ever played. With such a huge player base, many wonder whether Battlefield 2042 is cross-platform.

Is Battlefield 2042 crossplay?

Does Battlefield 2042 include crossplay? You bet. Battlefield 2042 crossplay is in place, making it an original Battlefield game with that capability.

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The crossplay feature is a default feature and allows you to crossplay between PC, Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5. The crossplay feature between PlayStation 4 and Xbox One is also possible, however only between the two consoles due to the limitations of older hardware and the reality that these consoles are unable to take part in 128-player battles.

If you’re playing on PS5 or Xbox Series X you can still play with your friends on PS4 or Xbox One – you’ll just have to download the appropriate version and play it instead of the current generation game.

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Is there cross-progression in Battlefield 2042?

Battlefield 2042 features full cross-progression across all platforms, including the ability to cross-progress purchases. Any purchase you make will be transferable to a different platform should you choose to upgrade from the old generation to the new generation.

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