Transfer Dark Souls Save PC to Xbox | Easy Ways

The Dark Souls Trilogy (1-2-3) From Software is among the most popular games of modern times. The games must be played by everyone due to their superb gameplay and combat mechanics, atmosphere, and character development. The main feature that makes up this trilogy is the Dark Souls Trilogy and what many gamers are scared of is their extreme difficulty.

Transfer Dark Souls Save PC to Xbox: This is an extremely difficult task that is made further due to the mechanism for saving in this game: It’s just one save game within the game, and if you die, you’ll be redirected to the earlier checking point (called bonfire). The checkpoints are scattered in the world of gaming and aren’t always in close proximity to boss fights which means that if you lose in a boss fight, you might need to kill the enemies for a while before you can reach the boss in order to retry.

Furthermore, everything is permanent; therefore, if you fail in some way (i.e. you end up killing the most vital NPC), it’s not possible to find an option for you to “restore” your game; you’ll lose the NPC (and his items, if they’re merchants) for the remainder of your game!

Suppose all of this sounds impossible to even attempt; worry not! There is a way to get “real” saves in all three Dark Souls games, even the fact that it’s a bit complicated. It’s easier than having to restart the game due to the fact that you have killed an essential NPC.

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Transfer Dark Souls Save PC to Xbox: Disclaimer

Before I describe the method, I’d like to offer a few important disclaimers:

  • The Dark Souls Trilogy should be played in its entirety. Don’t make use of this technique as it will make the game simpler and less difficult as was intended by their creators. Make use of it as the last option if you’re planning to quit the game.
  • Many other Dark Souls players will mock your character and berate those who use these methods.
  • Your savings may be broken in the event of a mistake, and I will not be held responsible for any loss of progress.

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The way Dark Souls saves your game

The Three Dark Souls games have a specific directory on your hard drive in which they save their game. There’s only one file in the directory with your save game with an extension with the ending of .sl2.

From my computer, The names and folders of the games I have listed are:

  • Dark Souls Remastered: Folder C:\Users\username\Documents\NBGI\DARK SOULS REMASTERED\1638, filename: DRAKS0005.sl2
  • Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin: C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\DarkSoulsII\0110000100000666\, filename: DS2SOFS0000.sl2
  • Dark Souls 3: C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\DarkSoulsIII\0110000100000666\, filename: DS3000.sl2

Be aware that the username is the username of your user, whereas the numbers that you see will likely differ.

Then, when a specific action happens (i.e. killing an opponent), your game can replace the file within the folder and create a new one that has the new changes. The flame will appear at the top of your screen once this occurs. It happens on certain occasions, like in the case of moving and don’t encounter enemies, your game will not be saved (so in the event that you attempt a jump that is difficult, the game won’t save immediately after you jump).

Additionally, Dark Souls will save your game after you quit the game (so should you attempt an extremely difficult jump, you must quit the game, and restart your game will be in the same position after you jump).

The following description allows players to create correct saves: quit the game (not completely, simply display the screen that says “title”), Save the save file to a different place and then begin the game. If you die, exit the game (again, simply display your title screen) and copy the backup from the backup file to the save file and then restart the game. Be sure to stop playing the game before you restore from save files because Dark Souls reads the saves only when you quit the game. If you transfer a backup save during gameplay, the backup will be overwritten with the latest save information.

You can also save your game and backup it without stopping: Once you’ve reached the point where you believe that it’s time to save, simply press alt+tab to exit your game and copy the save file to a backup file (you may even assign the backup a proper name) and then play. If you’re looking to play that save again, you’ll have to quit the game, restore the backup, and then start your game from scratch.

Be aware that when you do this, the game will give you an error message that says the game “did not properly quit the game”, as I understand that when you end the game, Dark Souls writes some flag to your saved game. In the event that you stop your computer during play (or copy the saved game), then Dark Souls won’t write that flag to your saved game. From my experience, in the three Dark Souls games, this warning isn’t a problem, and the game will run as normal without issue.

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Making it easier

Transferring the saved game to a different location can be cumbersome and make it easier to make mistakes (i.e. copying instead of the backup save to restore. Copy the save you are currently playing to your backup). To make the process more simple, I’ll provide you with an easy AutoHotkey script that can do this for you, using F7 to save your save and F8 to retrieve your save (don’t forget that you’re only able to restore after you completed the game and seen the screen that says “title screen”).

To run this script, you require the superb autohotkey tool. Install it, download it, and then start the script by double-clicking it (it requires the .ahk extension):

  • #SingleInstance Force #MaxHotkeysPerInterval 99999 SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% . Ensures that the directory is consistent from start to finish.
  • SAVE_FOLDER_DS := “C:\Users\serafeim\AppData\Roaming\DarkSoulsII\0110000100000666\” SAVE_FILENAME_DS := “DS2SOFS0000.sl2” BACKUP_FOLDER_DS := “C:\Users\serafeim\Documents\ds2\” GetFolderMax(f) { MAX := 0 Loop, Files, %f%\*. * MAX:= NUM_EXT F7:: F7 “F7” ;MsgBox “F7” ;MsgBox % “Will copy ” . SAVE_FILENAME_DS . ” to ” . BACKUP_FOLDER_DS MAX_P1 := GetFolderMax(BACKUP_FOLDER_DS) + 1 ;MsgBox % “Max + 1 is ” . MAX_P1 SOURCE := SAVE_FOLDER_DS . SAVE_FILENAME_DS DEST := BACKUP_FOLDER_DS . SAVE_FILENAME_DS . “.” . MAX_P1;MsgBox” “Will copy ” .
  • SOURCE . ” to ” . DEST FileCopy, %SOURCE%, %DEST% return } F8:: { ;MsgBox % “F8” MAX := GetFolderMax(BACKUP_FOLDER_DS) MAX_FILE := BACKUP_FOLDER_DS . SAVE_FILENAME_DS . “.” . MAX ;MsgBox % “Maxfile is ” . MAX_FILE SOURCE := MAX_FILE DEST := SAVE_FOLDER_DS . SAVE_FILENAME_DS MsgBox”Will copy “Will copy ” . SOURCE . ” to ” . DEST FileCopy, SOURCE% 1 return|}

The script is easy to comprehend, but I’ll go over it in a little detail in this article: First, you’ll need to define the SAVE_FOLDER_DS as well as BACKUP_FOLDER_DS variable. The first two variables define the filename and folder of the game (in my case, I’m making use of it to play DS2). The BACKUP_FOLDER_DS is where you want your backups put. The script will back up your saved files to the folder you select when you press F7.

To ensure better backups, it will add an increasing number at the filename at the end; therefore, when pressing F7, you’ll see that it creates a file with the name DS2SOFS0000.sl2.0 and then DS2SOFS0000.sl2.1 etc . in the BACKUP_FOLDER_DS. When you press F8, you will create a one with the largest number at the end. Take that number off and copy it onto the Dark Souls, and save the file.

It’s clear that there’s a GetFolderMax function that pulls the maximum number of backups from the folder. After that, F7 and F8 will make use of that function to transfer over the Dark Souls, save the file in the backup using an increased number or locate the most recent one and then restore it to the same folder.

The script is independent of the game, so if you set it up and then press F7, you should notice an image of the backup that is created. If you also delete (or change the name) the Dark Souls save file and press F8, you will notice that it is restored through the backup.

If I use the above script, my play-through workflow would be similar to this: Launch Dark Souls, kill an enemy Press F7, kill another enemy Press F7 (depending on how hard the enemies are, of course). Lose an enemy, end the game, then press F8 to resume my game.

One thing to note is Windows 10, it seems that hotkeys aren’t being recorded by AutoHotkey when the game is running on a full-screen. If I run the games within a single window, it works perfectly. There are some who suggest that if you use AutoHotkey with administrator privileges, it will be able to record key presses; however, it did not work for me.

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