How To Play Light As A Feather Stiff As A Board?

If you and your friends are planning a sleepover, then you must get some interesting games to play together that will make your night thrilling. So, this article will tell you how to play Light as a Feather Stiff as a Board and your squad is going to love it. 

Nighttime is for some spooky and creepy games or tricks, and if you are with your friends, you cannot let them off the hook without scaring them till they begin to scream. One such trick is “Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board” and if you haven’t tried it ever, the first-time experience is going to be thrilling. 

To play Light as a Feather Stiff as a Board, the sitter will be surrounded by four volunteers, two of whom will stand to their left and two to their right. Each of the four inserts two fingers beneath the chair’s seat’s four corners. The four of them then attempt to lift the chair and the sitter, usually without success.

Keep reading to understand this trick in detail so that you play “Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board” the right way your very first time. 

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How To Play Light As A Feather Stiff As A Board?

The individual you intend to hoist should be lying flat on the ground with their arms folded in front of them. In order to make them more comfortable and to protect them in case they fall, you could wish to place blankets or pillows below them.

The lifters should be seated or kneeling next to the liftee, ideally with one person at each shoulder and knee. A fifth person should kneel next to the liftee’s head if you have one.

One of the lifters should take the lead. Usually the host of the party, however, anybody who is knowledgeable about the game can do this. They must master the entire trick because they will be in charge of directing the group through it.

Join your hands in a fist. You will only be able to raise with your two pointer fingers. Let go of them. Then, depending on where they are situated, the lifters should insert both fingers underneath the liftee’s shoulders or knees. They can lay one finger under either shoulder if there is a fifth lifter at the head.

Make a trial lift. There shouldn’t be a countdown or other particular setup; instead, the leader should direct everyone to give it a try. Just make an effort to lift. If at all, you won’t be able to raise the lift very far. It will be difficult to raise them with only two fingers.

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Rehearse your lifts. Once you’ve determined how challenging it is to carry the person, it’s time to use some basic “mind over matter” techniques to improve your strength—or at the very least, the game’s magical appeal! The leader should use this opportunity to explain the game’s basic idea.

The individual being raised should have their hands placed above their head. So that each individual’s hands are separated by a different person, hands should alternate. Of course, only softly squeezing the liftee’s head will do. The group’s leader should explain that by performing this step, they are exposing the liftee’s body to supernatural forces; as a result, the outer spirits are now entering the body and making it light. Put your hands back beneath the liftee after removing them from the stack.

“Light as a feather, rigid as a board, everyone repeat after me”. You may have also heard the variant, “Feather-light, ox-strong.” Do this repeatedly with your partner. The liftee must be completely still and have their eyes closed. Lifting gradually as you chant.

Continue to chant while you lift the individual. They ought to be able to lift easily this time. Then, as you continue to say the lines, carefully drop them back to the ground. The trick is finished once the leader commands the “spirits” to leave the body.

Rehearse your lifts. Once you’ve determined how challenging it is to carry the person, it’s time to use some basic “mind over matter” techniques to improve your strength—or at the very least, the game’s magical appeal! The leader should use this opportunity to explain the game’s basic idea.

The individual being raised should have their hands placed above their head. So that each individual’s hands are separated by a different person, hands should alternate. Of course, only softly squeezing the liftee’s head will do. The group’s leader should explain that by performing this step, they are exposing the liftee’s body to supernatural forces; as a result, the outer spirits are now entering the body and making it light.

Wrap Up

That was all about the game Light as feather Stiff as board and we hope that you will easily be able to play the game with your friends. If you still get confused with anything, you can tell us in the comments so that we can assist you with it. 

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