it is not wisdom but authority that makes a law. t – tymoff

In “It is not enlightenment that makes a law but rather its authority”, T. Tymoff presents the conflict around how laws are originated. This statement invites us to reflect on the very nature of power and sagacity upon which our approaches to jurisprudence are hinged.

Authority is the one freeing the hand of governmental bodies to come up with, and subsequently execute the laws. This helps making order and level of compliance within the society possible. But the danger of that it calls to mind is abuse of power by those in charge who may get the unjust laws in return.

So, while justice is concerned with good decisions and outcomes, wisdom gives to laws material and fairness. It specifically considers the ethical principles, societal values, and the consequences. Example: The question of which to prefer − power or wisdom − is as important for true laws as it is for righteous lawmaking.

Throughout the history is undeniable that the politicians that believe in absolute power tend to diminish wise laws causing authoritarian laws. On the flipside, wisdom brings about times of enlightenment. It has overthrown oppressive laws and encouraged the rise of better lawmaking.

In modern democracies, both the authority and information are called the most concerning issues in law making. The legislators who are elected would get the opportunity to bestow laws according to the wisdom of the society and the institutions would play its role of maintaining these laws fully authorized.

„Moralities holds a place of key importance in legislative practice. Laws should be created in a manner that represents the values and philosophy of a given society and respect each individual’s equality before the law.

But worlds keeps on changing at an as fast pace, therefore legal systems have to signal new way of life. This calls for the fluctuating balances of authenticity and perceptiveness to come in to stay pertinent and fair.

To sum up, Mr. T. Tymoff’s saying speaks of the issue specific to the lawmaking: the connection between authority and wisdom. The need to find a correlates between advantages of the law and its disadvantages for society arises for establishing just and fair laws.

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