know imo message read

Is someone ignoring your messages on IMO? It is also possible that the person hasn’t read your messages yet. Doesn’t it seem confusing? Let’s learn some tricks and methods to know whether your IMO messages are read or not.

IMO is a messaging app that enables you to send messages, make calls, and video calls. It is a secure app and it’s free to download. IMO is available on PC, Android, and iPhone devices. It provides better performance and encrypted security. IMO was released for the first time in April 2007 and developed by Pagebites, Inc.

In this article, we will delve into the possibilities of how you can check whether a person on IMO has read your message or not.

What Is IMO Read Receipts?

Almost all the messaging apps have this feature and read receipts are turned on by default on the app. Read receipt is a notification feature on the messaging app to inform the sender that their messages have been successfully delivered and seen by the receiver. You can turn this feature off if you don’t want to let people know that you have seen their messages.

If the person you have messaged has turned on the read receipt on IMO, then you will be informed when he reads your message. When you send a message you will see a single tick and when he receives the message it will turn into double ticks. So when the person opens the chat and reads your message, the double ticks will turn into a blue circle. 

How To Know IMO Messages Are Read?

It is crucial to keep yourself updated about the status of your messages. IMO has a very safe and user-friendly interface. You can easily understand the settings and navigation in the app. 

Here is a guide to know whether your messages are ready on IMO or not:

  1. Single Tick

When you send a message to anyone on IMO you will see a tick near the time stamp. It indicates that your messages are successfully sent to the receiver.

  1. Double Ticks

When the receiver’s internet connection is turned on, he will receive your message. Then you will see double ticks, which indicates that your messages are delivered.

  1. Blue Circle

Whenever the person comes online and opens your chat, the double ticks turn into a blue circle. This indicates that he has seen your messages.

  1. Check Your Internet Connection 

If you do not have a good internet connection even if the receiver has seen your messages, it will not be reflected on your device. Check your internet connection to know the status of your messages.

  1. Enable Read Receipts

If you have turned the read receipts off, neither your contacts nor you will be able to check the status of the messages. So make sure to turn it on from the settings in the IMO app.

  1. Internet Speed and Connectivity

If there is an issue with the receiver’s internet connection, then it will take some time to update the status of the message. 

With the help of these indicators, you can successfully keep track of the messages that you have sent. Always make sure to enable Read Receipts and ensure a good internet connection.

Frequently Asked Questions 

What is the Blue Ring On IMO?

The blue Ring or Circle on IMO indicates that your messages have been seen by the receiver.

What Does The Orange Clock Mean In IMO?

The Orange Clock on the profile icon in IMO means that the person has been offline for more than 24 hours.


You can manage and check the status of your messages on any messaging app. You need to have the right knowledge about the indicators to do so. We hope that the information provided in this article will be helpful to you in checking the status of your messages on IMO. 

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